Budapest Beyond Sightseeing was chosen to be a 'Good Practice' in the European Year of Creativity and Innovation 2009 (EYCI). By the decision of the European Commission our activity as societal enterpreneurs became a good example in Europe.
On the 8th and 9th of July 2009 some of these Eurpoean examples and their steakholders were invited to a conference to share the experiences and future possibilities.
The second flagship conference of the EYCI was focusing on the regional aspects of creativity and innovation. The three selected themes were: employment, wellbeing and education.
We were honored to make a presentation of the 8th district and about our Socio-cultural walking tours. The summarization of our project can be found among some other Hungarian highlighted practices.
The conclusions of the conference will be soon issued at the Creativity website.
The team of Budapest Beyond Sightseeing is greatful to the 8th district citizens and it's partners for the successful co-operation and good intention.
The 8th district is warmly waiting for You all!